#DEIThis: Willful Ignorance

So let me ask all the white people reading this: What exactly are you afraid of where learning about your personal biases is concerned? Why do you choose to stay inside your bubble inhaling misinformation? Who will excommunicate you if you decide you want to burst that bubble?

The fact that a lot of white people (I’ll explain my narrowness of focus shortly) who insist that anything that has to do with diversity, equity and inclusion is nothing but racist trope and should be rejected at all costs is showing the highest levels of willful ignorance. It’s not acceptable. I’m going to complain loudly about it. I recognize not everyone will embrace my complaining, but I also recognize some will.

So, about White people: When you’ve lived your entire life implicitly and explicitly believing the idea that your life should be easy and you are worthy of being acknowledged, seen, and accepted should come naturally, change rattles you. This is not to say you haven’t had to work hard, or had dysfunction in your life, but you believe this is your birthright and no one else should be on the same level as you. If you are “othered”, there will be no joy in your life, you will have your privilege taken from you. You will have to share the joys of worthiness with others.

Non white people are “othered” by white people. This is a general statement, but the evidence of marginalization exists and is available for research at the click of a mouse. Nothing scares white people living in bubbles more than having that bubble burst and discovering they’re the same as others and not better than them. Nothing keeps white people awake at night more than knowing they will have to “share the wealth” as it were. Nothing keeps white people on pins and needles more than accepting that maybe, just maybe someone who isn’t white, might have something to bring to the table, worked hard to get to that table, and might force them to have to work hard to stay at the table.

Ladies and gentlemen, its time to stop playing stupid. Yes, I know some of you honestly haven’t a clue but the majority of you know better. You know the reality of your lives as compared to others. And if you don’t, its time to educate yourself. You’ll survive the diversity that is coming. You’ll grow from equity, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of inclusion. Let’s do better, ok? Please?????





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